This and the following pages are mainly those which were transferred from the previous site entitled THE MAKING OF CUSTTAD. 



With the completion of the small book Making Custtad I thought  I had said all I wanted to say about the work.  This changed however when I decided to reorganize all the various papers and documents which had been accumulated over the course of the entire experience. These covered most aspects of the work from my time on the Special Needs Course at Jordanhill College in 1984 until my work at the Yorkhill Hospital NHS Trust ended in 2000. From then on, although I frequently drew on the material for writing and training purposes, I did not add to it in any significant way.  

Included in all I had collected were photographs, drawings, papers and books. They had all been safely but rather haphazardly stored but not in a way that allowed me to access them easily and they were undoubtedly due for a thorough reordering. It was during that process I decided that there might be more to say.  Not so much with words, more with images and this would, hopefully, provide a broader context in which to view the work which led to THE MAKING of CUSTTAD. 



Because the ideas on which CUSTTAD is based originated in the Nursery in OLD MASSETT the image chosen for this page is of the building as it looked many years ago.