A document with this title was produced. The subtitle included the words 'observations on an attempt to interest Head Teachers of Glasgow Primary Schools in the CUSTTAD approach'. And in the front matter are the words, 'As evidence of the gulf which can arise between aspiration and implementation, this project may well provide an excellent example'   The document covers in detail the various visits and communications which took place on the road to the project's demise. If nought else it is an interesting read.      

In a retrospective assessment of the project we identified that we had failed to adequately describe the kind of space which would be required for a CUSTTAD facility and had not emphasised sufficiently the amount of time and effort which is required to establish the approach during the initial phase of its implementation. But these were relatively small misdemeanours. The main reasons were much more fundamental. As indicated in the comments about CUSTTAD in SOUTH LANARKSHIRE: attempting to introduce an entirely new resource into a well established system is likely to encounter significant challenges. 

Although in some respects this could be described as a rather disheartening enterprise, it was one from which we learned a great deal. We were able to draw extensively on the experience and to make significant improvements in our subsequent presentations about the work. We were also better informed about what the criteria should be when considering any similar kind of enterprise.


As a room and a location for a CUSTTAD facility, as you can see from the image below it was, in many respects, very appealing 

The need for top down support was further demonstrated when we were visited in clinic by two very enthusiastic workers. They described their response to the work as 'having bought the car but being unsure how to get it into the garage'  And although we did go ahead with the project - and for these two workers it was functioning well - the work was unsupported by those in charge of the garage. If I remember correctly it lasted only a few months.